After Confirmation, the aim is to lead the growing young person to a religious view of the world that is supported by his or her own experience and insight. Young people take part in youth conferences and in the life of the community, but full membership in The Christian Community depends ultimately on a mature personal decision as an adult.
The Christian Community Youth Group is an active part of the community and meets once a month, often on Friday nights. Here, teens 14 to 19 years old, will find friends, fun, and worthwhile activities that stretch them as human beings while learning to engage and live fully in the world.
For information, or to join the Christian Community Youth Group, contact Rev. Jong Won Choi.
Confirmation Preparation Class
For more information contact Rev. Jong Won Choi.
Youth Group now meets monthly on a Friday evening, 5 - 7:30 PM. Contact Jong Won for the schedule.
Youth Conferences
View the Christian Community of North America web page for Youth Conferences here:
See our Services and Events page for updates.