Services and Events

Our Community Program
for March

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Feeding of the Five Thousand, Ninetta Sombart

Gospel Readings for the Upcoming Weeks

Time between Epiphany and Passion Tide 
March 2 – Luke 18:18-34
March 9 – Matthew 4:1-11
March 16 – Matthew 17:1-9

Passion Tide
March 23 – Luke 11:14-36
March 30 – John 6:1-15
April 6 – John 8:1-12


In our recent community meeting, we spoke about beginning to meet together to create and carry our church life together.  In this early stage, we may call it our Carrying Together Meeting.  What we will do together and how often we will meet is wide open - it can be toward the creation of festivals, the organization of fun events, works to support the sacraments, or simply cleaning the basement.  Anyone who is interested in this impulse to carry our church life together with creativity, ownership, and enthusiasm is warmly welcome to the meeting.  Our first meeting will take place on Sunday, March 30th at 12:30, after the service and lunch. 

A new monthly study on the Book of Revelation with Hugh Thornton will begin in March.  The hour long study will take place one Sunday a month after the service and lunch.  The dates in the coming months are March 9, April 6, May18, and June 15.  All are welcome. 

Jong Won will be away March 10 - 20 in Stuttgart, Germany to attend continuing education and ordinations.  The Wednesday service during this time will be replaced by a devotional gathering at 9am. 

Jong Won, Cindy, and Hugh will be away March 31 - April 4 in Toronto to attend the North America synod.  The Wednesday service during this week will be replaced by a devotional gathering at 9am. 

There will be no 9:15am story time on two Sundays in March (3/2 and 3/16) as Jong Won will be away on those days.  Our 10am Sunday service for children and 10:30am sacrament will take place as usual.

The dates for Saturday services in the upcoming months are March 8, 22, April 19, May 3, 10, 24. 

The dates for the Service in the Princeton Area are March 29, April 26, and May 31.  Please contact Heide at ratliff dot heide at gmail dot com with any questions. 

The Christian Community Children's Summer Camp, "Camp Harmony Lake" (for children going into grades 3 - 8) with Rev. Carol Kelly will be from July 31 - August 16, in Kingsley, PA.  Registration is open. ( )  Contact Rev. Carol Kelly for more details:

Special Events

Friday, February 28 - Sunday, March 2
Community Retreat
at the St. Raphaela Center, located at 616 Coopertown Rd, Haverford, PA.
The Sunday service for children at 10am and the adult service at 10:30am in Devon will take place as usual.  There will be no 9:15am children's story time on this day. 

On Sunday, March 2

The Sacrament of Baptism
will be celebrated for 
Josephine Hope Trzcinski
in Rose Hall 
at Camphill Village Kimberton Hills
at 3:30pm on Sunday, March 2, 2025.
Parents: Tom & Jessica Trzcinski
Godparents: Derrick Cullen & Ella Clee

Saturday, March 8, after the 9am service 
Staying Connected
Our meeting to remember and connect with those who are beyond the threshold.  All are welcome.

Sunday, March 9, after the service and lunch
New monthly study on the Book of Revelation with Hugh Thornton

Saturday, March 22, 10:15 am – 2:30 pm
House and Garden Day
Please join us to prepare our church for Passiontide.  Lunch is provided.  

Sunday, March 23, after the service and lunch 
Passiontide talk on Christ's death by Cindy Hindes:
"Then He Overcame Death"

Friday, March 28, 4 - 7:30pm
Youth Group Gathering
We will meet at 4pm at "Devon Lanes" for bowling and then come to the church by 5:30pm for dinner, talk, and conversation.  Andy Dill will inspire us with the theme of "finding our ways".  Friends are welcome.  Contact Jong Won with any questions. 

Sunday, March 30, after the service and lunch
Carrying Together Meeting (New!)
Please scroll up to read about this meeting in the Announcement section. 

Ongoing Services and Community Activities 


 9:15  am - Children's Story Time (September to June)
10:00 am - The Sunday Service for Children (Throughout the year)
10:30 am - The Consecration of the Human Being
followed by a community potluck lunch 

Devotional only on March 12 and 19 while the Priest is away.

9:00 am - The Consecration of the Human Being 
10:15 - 11:15 am - Conversation
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm - Study Group: “The Gospel of Luke”
(From Sept. to June) We meet in the Kimberton/Phoenixville area.  Please contact Jong Won Choi for details.

Most Saturdays: 9:00 am - The Consecration of the Human Being
The dates for Saturday services for the upcoming months will be March 8, 22, April 19, May 3, 10, 24.

Sacrament of Consultation - by appointment 
(Please contact Rev. Jong Won Choi; she will be available when it is convenient for you.) 

Confirmation Preparation Classes 
Usually twice a month during the school year. Please contact Rev. Jong Won Choi for further information. 

Service in Camphill Village Kimberton Hills
The Consecration of the Human Being is celebrated once a month, usually on the 2nd Thursday of the month, at 9 am, in Rose Hall.

Service in the Princeton Area
The Consecration of the Human Being is celebrated on Saturdays in the home of Heide & Henry Ratliff in Lawrenceville, NJ.  The next services will be on March 29, April 26, and May 31. Please contact Heidi at  ratliff.heide at gmail dot com.

Priest Consultation Hours

Sacrament of Consultation - By Appointment
Please contact Rev. Jong Won Choi; she will be available when it is convenient for you.

Contact the Priest
Rev. Rev. Jong Won Choi

Rev. Cindy Hindes (retired) 747-252-8305,