Movement For Religious Renewal
Devon, Pennsylvania
The Christian Community
About The Christian Community
The Christian Community in Devon, PA
is part of an international movement for the renewal of religion, founded in 1922 in Switzerland by 45 men and women, with the help of Rudolf Steiner, Austrian thinker, founder of Anthroposophy, initiator of Waldorf Education, Biodynamic farming and Anthroposophical medicine.
At the center of our work in The Christian Community are the seven sacraments in their renewed form.
The text of the creed, is a metamorphosis of the Apostle’s and Nicene Creeds. Members are not required to sign articles of faith, and are encouraged to form independent judgments in religious matters. Nor do we have any formal written dogma. Each priest has the freedom to teach anything which does not contradict the content of the sacraments whose texts form the “bedrock” of The Christian Community. As a result, the teachings are rich, varied and evolving. They are inspired by traditional Christian theology, the original work of Rudolf Steiner, and by independent research and insights of priests and members. There is room in this modern Christian theology to incorporate such ideas as reincarnation and karma, a truly cosmic conception of Christ, and the role of spiritual beings at all levels of existence.
There are approximately 350 independent Christian Community Congregations world-wide, with fourteen congregations in North America. Services are also held through visits to branch congregations and groups in over forty additional locations.
Each congregation of the Christian Community is financially independent and exists through the voluntary pledges and donations of its local members.
Visit the website of The Christian Community in North America: