Regular Services
Regular Services
Services take place at the Christian Community Devon Chapel at 212 Old Lancaster Road, Devon, PA 19333
9:15 am - Children's Story Time (From September to June)
10:00 am - Children's Service
10:30 am - The Consecration of the Human Being followed by community potluck lunch.
9:00 am - The Consecration of the Human Being followed by conversation and light snack.
Most Saturdays: 9:00 am - The Consecration of the Human Being
The dates for Saturday services for the upcoming months will be March 8, 22, April 19, May 3, 10, 24.
Affiliate Community - Camphill Village Kimberton Hills
The Consecration of the Human Being is celebrated once a month, usually on the 2nd Thursday of the month, at 9 am, in Rose Hall at 9:00 am.
1601 Pughtown Rd., Kimberton, PA 19460
Service in the Princeton Area
The Consecration of the Human Being is celebrated in the home of Heide Ratliff in Lawrenceville, NJ. See the current program for address and contact information. The next services will be on December 21, January 18, February 15, March 29, April 26, and May 31. Please contact Heide at ratliff.heide at gmail dot com with any questions. Address and other details are in our March Program.
See the Services and Events page for seasonal and festival events, and schedule updates.