The Christian Community is financially independent and meets its expenses through contributions and donations from its members and friends.
Those who would like to support our work are invited to donate to The Christian Community in Devon, PA.
Receipts for income tax purposes are issued for all contributions.
Our heartfelt thanks go to all who support our church.
Mail Donations to:
The Christian Community
212 Old Lancaster Road
Devon, PA 19333
use the address above to enroll us in
your bank's automatic bill pay.
Support Our Community by Shopping on iGive.com
If you shop online and would like a portion of your purchase to benefit a worthy cause, iGive provides links to 1,800 merchants who will donate a percentage of your purchase price to the cause of your choice. If you want to support our church, after creating an account, search among the registered causes for “The Christian Community of PA” and select it as your cause. For questions, solutions to issues and customer support, see the links to “How iGive Works”, “Knowledge Base (FAQs)” and “Contact Us” at the bottom of the home page. https://www.igive.com/welcome/lp19/index.cfm