For children baptized in The Christian Community, and for those whose parents choose it, the Sunday Service for Children and religious instruction keep alive and renew children’s awareness of their origin in the spirit, their heavenly home. Attendance begins around age seven, leading to Confirmation at age 14.
The inner truth of the child is recognized and supported in religious instruction, which supplements the children’s worship service. It follows the stages of the religious development of humanity reflected in the child’s development:
· Veneration of the spirit in nature (myths and legends)
· Security in the divine guidance of destiny (Old Testament)
· Becoming aware of the Christ in individual human life (New Testament)
For children, the experience of finding a spiritual home on earth is strengthened through the Sunday Service, festival celebrations and Confirmation.
Read more about the Sunday Service for Children: http://www.thechristiancommunity.org/children-youth/
Children's Story Time (From Sept. through June)
Beginning at 9:15 am, children and parents are warmly welcome to gather in the community room of the church in Devon, to pray and sing together and hear a story followed by Sunday Service for Children at 10:00 am.
Note: There will be no 9:15am story time on two Sundays in March (3/2/25 and 3/16/25) as Jong Won will be away on those days. Our 10am Sunday service for children and 10:30am sacrament will take place as usual.
Service for Children at 10:00 am year-round
The Service for Children takes place on Sundays at 10:00 am. During festival times, a story hour may also be offered. Childcare is usually available so that parents can attend the service for adults at 10:30 am. Please check the Services and Events page for information on specific times and locations for special activities for children.
Summer Camp
The Christian Community Children's Summer Camp, "Camp Harmony Lake" (for children going into grades 3 - 8) with Rev. Carol Kelly will be from July 31 - August 16, in Kingsley, PA. Registration is open. (https://christiancommunityyouth.org ) Contact Rev. Carol Kelly for more details: carolkelly.cc@gmail.com.
See our Services and Events page for updates.