The Christian Community

Movement for Religious Renewal
Devon, Pennsylvania

The Christian Community 

is a world-wide movement for religious renewal 

that seeks to open the path to the living, healing presence of Christ 

in the age of the free individual.




9:15 am: Children's Program (Sept.-June)

10:00 am: Children's Service


10:30 am: The Consecration of the Human Being

Community Potluck Lunch


9:00 am: The Consecration of the Human Being

10:15 - 11:15 am: Conversation


9:00 am: The Consecration of the Human Being

Affiliate Communities
Camphill Village Kimberton Hills

The Consecration of the Human Being on the 2nd Thursday of the month at Rose Hall at 9:00 am. 1601 Pughtown Rd., Kimberton, PA 19460.

Princeton Area
The Consecration of the Human Being is celebrated once a month on Saturdays in the home of Heide & Henry Ratliff in Lawrenceville, NJ.  Details are in our program.

View the Services and Events page for special events, festivals, and schedule updates.

The Devon Chapel

Rev. Jong Won Choi


Contact Rev. Jong Won Choi

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